A tiny mirror…
small and portable so you can peek at your look
A handkerchief…
for tears, of course
Bobby pins and
a travel-sized bottle of hairspray… to keep that hairstyle in tact
A small comb …
to smooth back fly a ways
Lipstain… it
lasts and won’t get on your teeth
clear ones, for the inevitable blisters
A Tide to Go
pen… for unforeseen spills
papers…for shine-free photos
Dental floss…
also necessary for those photos
An emery board…
to smooth out rough parts on nails that snag delicate dresses
Krazy Glue… for
shoe heels, clothing jewels or other adornments that come off
pantyhose… in case of a run
Clear nail
polish…in case there’s no time to change stockings
White chalk… to
cover up marks on your gown
Topstick toupee
tape… the best double-sided tape there is
Extra earring
backs… hopefully, you’re wearing screw-ins, but just in case you’re not
A mini sewing
kit… tiny scissors for loose threads, a needle and thread for mending and extra
buttons because someone will lose one
Safety pins… a
quick fix for rips and I have even fixed a button that came off with one
perfume… to keep that great scent all day long
Mints… think of
all those people you need to talk to
Eye drops…
happy tears make for red eyes
Aspirin… for
that annoying headache
Straws… so you
stay hydrated without smearing your lipstick
Do you have
anything that you’d add to our list? Post on our Facebook wall and let us know.